Trusted Senders

Trusted Senders

Alveni's Tech Suppor Team and Domain Administrators can add specific email addresses (such as or domains (such as that will be exempted from spam filtering. This lets the system know that these messages come from a trusted source and can prevent mail from friends, business associates and mailing lists from being blocked or sent to the Junk Email folder. By default, every contact in a user's Contacts list is considered a trusted sender and bypasses spam filtering.

Important Note: Mail Pro  runs SPF and DKIM checks on ALL emails, including those from trusted senders, whitelisted IP addresses and IP bypasses. Because anyone can write any return path that they want when sending a message, this extra check helps prevent spammers from flooding users with hundreds of messages that aren't truly from a trusted sender. If an SPF or DKIM check fails on an incoming message, the trusted sender status will be bypassed, and the weights of all enabled spam checks will be applied. The specific spam check results that will bypass the trusted sender status are SPF_Fail, SPF_Softfail, SPF_PermError, or DKIM_Fail.