How to install SiteKiosk from CMD Prompt


I can't install Sitekiosk for Windows. I keep getting an error saying that the password doesn't meet the requirements, and it instructs me to do a command line function to change it, or install without the security option. I don't have anywhere to enter a command line prompt, and I am not sure how to get this installed. I also want to know how to check the status of the licenses that we have. I am not sure if they are being used, or what I can do with the key to check if I am able to use it...

Can't Install due to Password Requirements/Question about Licences
This means the default password SiteKiosk uses when it creates the Windows user account does not meet the requirements your IT department has set on your network. You will need to install SiteKiosk from the command line.

Here is the information for set-up of the SiteKiosk software to change the SiteKiosk user password on installation:

1. Start by clicking Windows Start button then type cmd and press Enter.
2. In the Command prompt window, type this line exactly. You will also need to either add the path in front of the exe file or the directory that cmd is pointing to

sitekiosk9.exe /V"DEFAULTPASSWD=12mypasswd"
3. NOTE: Change the “12mypasswd” to a password of your choice that fits your network restrictions. You will need to change the directory of the command prompt to where the file is saved.