Set Up screen orientation in Android devices.
1. First Enter in Settings and select “Display”
2. Next select “Advanced”
3. Will Pop an aditional menú, we’ll select “HDMI”
4. In this Menu look for “Screen Rotation”
5. Here select the “90” option
6. Next go back to Display menu and select "rotate screen" there select 90 Portrait, the Android Device will restart.
7. Next open SiteKiosk APP
8. Once open we need to set up the screen rotation in the app, Draw an “U” in the shores of the screen as shown in the image.
9. Now will appear this window select “Settings”
10. Will open the settings menú here select “System”
11. Next select “Screen Rotation” option
12. In this menú select “Portrait” option
13. Finally select “Start SiteKiosk” to return to our content.